The NOTE group is founded, originating from EuroSupply Nordic, in Sweden, with a subsidiary, EuroSupply Central Europe, in Gdansk, Poland.
The business concept is to produce electronics-based products in Central Europe for Swedish customers jointly with collaboration partners.
To get own manufacturing in Sweden, a merger is conducted with Norrtelje Elektronik in Norrtälje. In connection to that, the goal for the business is set–to become a large, Swedish-owned, close, complete and global electronics manufacturer. The group is aiming for an initial public offering within five years.
NOTE starts its expansion in Sweden, in order to establish themselves close to the customers. Trienta in Torsby, Sweden, is acquired.
The joint name NOTE is created, and the companies are renamed. The group now consists of the parent company NOTE AB and the subsidiaries NOTE Gdansk, NOTE Norrtelje and NOTE Torsby.
NOTE Components is formed to co-ordinate the group’s purchasing agreements. The company has sourcing functions in northern Europe, Central Europe, and Asia.
Acquisition of Xperi in Lund, Sweden, and its plant in Tauragé, Lithuania. The companies are rebranded to NOTE Lund and NOTE Tauragé.
Acquisition of BEVE Electronics in Borås, Sweden, which is rebranded to NOTE Borås.
Acquisition of ITAB Elektronik’s plants in Nyköping and Skänninge, Sweden, which are rebranded to NOTE Nyköping-Skänninge.
NOTE is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.
The incorporation of three new units begins; NOTE Skellefteå (former Ericsson) in Sweden, NOTE Hyvinkää (former Point Product) in Finland, and NOTE Pärnu (former Paitec) in Estonia.
The plant in Borås is closed down.
Acquisition of Nordic-Printdesign in Norway, which is rebranded to NOTE Oslo.
NOTE’s manufacturing capacity is expanded through two 50% owned operations. One is in Tangxia, China, named IONOTE, and one is in Krakow, Poland, named NOTEFideltronik.
Acquisition of Proqual in Gloucestershire, UK, which is rebranded to NOTE UK.
A mechanical production unit in Järfälla, Sweden, is acquired and rebranded to NOTE Components Järfälla.
Acquisition of Norteam Electronics in Oslo, Norway.
Norteam Electronics is merged with NOTE Oslo, which is rebranded to NOTE Norge.
NOTE acquires the remaining 50% of the Chinese operation, which is now a wholly owned subsidiary. Later, the company name is changed to NOTE Electronics (Dongguan).
Divestment of NOTE Skellefteå.
Closure of NOTE Nyköping-Skänninge, NOTE Tauragé and NOTE Gdansk.
The 50% holding in NOTEFideltronik in Poland, is divested.
Divestment of NOTE Components Järfälla.
Divestment of NOTE Norge.
Acquisition of Speedboard Assembly Services Ldt, in Windsor, UK, which is rebranded to NOTE Windsor Ltd.
Acquisition of iPRO Holdings Ltd, in Haddenham, UK, including a sourcing organisation in Asia.
Acquisition of Dynamic Precision Solutions AB in Herrljunga, Sweden, which is rebranded to NOTE Herrljunga AB.
ATM Electronics Ltd in Sofia, Bulgaria, is acquired in July.