Shareholders' meeting

The Shareholders’ meeting is the company’s highest decisionmaking body; that is where the shareholders' influence in the company is exercised.

NOTE’s Annual General Meeting, AGM, (Ordinary General Meeting) is held during the first half of the year. The time and location of the Meeting is announced publicly, no later than to coincide with the release of the company’s third-quarter report. The notice of the AGM is published no earlier than six weeks, but no later than four weeks, before the AGM.

At the AGM, the shareholders decide, among other things, on the following: election of the Board of Directors and, where appropriate, the auditors; the manner in which the Nomination Committee is to be appointed; and discharge from liability for the Board of Directors and President for the past year. Decisions are also taken regarding adoption of the financial statements, allocation of profit, fees for the Board of Directors and the auditors, as well as guidelines for compensation to the President and other senior executives.