
NOTE launches NOTE Labs

The manufacturer of electronics; NOTE, with prototype workshops in Kista, Norrtelje, Lund, Gothenburg and Torsby has upgraded their workshops to NOTE Labs. Yesterday they launched a unique new working concept that will be implemented in the entire NOTE group during 2003. The concept provides higher service level, more efficient feed-back to the customers and reduced manufacturing costs.

All NOTE Labs will have a strengthened connection to world leading production expertise within the industrial segments; medical, optical, telecom, vehicle and automotive. The amount of services will be increased in all five cities. Yesterday NOTE Lab in Kista/Stockholm opened in cooperation with IVF new equipment for EMC test (Electro Magnetic Compatibility), which is available in very few places in Sweden. The EMC-tests controls both how a new electronic product have affect on other electronics in the surroundings, and also how already present electronic products interfere with the new product. The opening in Kista were attended by almost 100 visitors from different companies within the electronic trade.

For further information, please contact Ann Lewerentz responsible for information within the NOTE group at +46 176-793 29, ann.lewerentz@norrtelje.note.se
For further information about NOTE, please visit www.note.se

About the NOTE-group of companies
NOTE is a leading manufacturer of electronics with more than 30 years of experience. NOTE is a complete manufacturer against contract that focus on improved service by being close and flexible to the market.

NOTE offers global production close to the market. In Sweden we have 600 employees distributed on production facilities in Norrtelje, Lund and Torsby and prototype workshops and sales offices in Kista/Stockholm and Gothenburg. Since the merger with Xperi, in the autumn 2002, the NOTE group now has a turnover of approximately SEK one billion. We also have a factory in Lithuania, and activities in Central Europe that is governed from our office in Gdansk, Poland. Through the global network of manufacturers of electronics; ems-ALLIANCE, we have partners in China, Brazil, India, Italy and USA.

Since six years now NOTE is on the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladets list over the fastest growing companies in Sweden. NOTE is the only Swedish owned global supplier of EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services).

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