NOTE signs a co-operation agreement with Chalmers
The NOTE Lab at Chalmers will support both research and industry in realising products that contain advanced packaging structures. Through this co-operation, NOTE and Chalmers will be able to offer the market everything from research to full-scale production. Anders Andersson, MD, NOTE Borås, will be responsible for the NOTE Lab at Chalmers. The responsible contact at Chalmers is Professor Johan Liu.
Through this co-operation, NOTE is being offered through Chalmers the possibility of establishing contacts in Shanghai for the purposes of starting up a Gateway there.
”This co-operation is very stimulating,” says Erik Stenfors, President and CEO, NOTE. ”The trend in our industry is clear: to remain competitive we must be able to offer cutting edge technology and through Chalmers we have now acquired an extremely competent partner."
”With the competence that exists in the research groups within Electronics Production at Chalmers, and our production that is closely allied to industry, we will be able to manufacture very advanced prototypes. The lab has strengthened NOTE’s presence in the Gothenburg area and we will be able to offer proximity and fast prototype production in combination with a bigger factory in Borås. Previous establishments of labs have shown that this is something that our customers appreciate very much,” says Anders Andersson, MD for NOTE Borås.
”NOTE is an excellent and competent partner with whom to co-operate, and we see big future opportunities in this co-operation,” says Johan Liu, Professor in Electronics Production, at Chalmers.
For more information, please contact:
Erik Stenfors, CEO and President, NOTE AB, Ph: +46 (0)176-799 01 or +46 (0)709-950 80 70
Anders Andersson, MD for NOTE Borås AB, Ph: +46 (0)33-23 35 67 or +46 (0)70-314 13 13
Stefan Bengtsson, Manager, MC2, Chalmers University of Technology, Ph: +46 (0)31-772 18 81 or +46 (0)70-703 88 628
Johan Liu, Professor and manager for the SMIT Center, Chalmers University of Technology,
Ph: +46 (0)31-772 30 67 or +46 (0)70-569 38 21
About NOTE
NOTE is one of Scandinavia’s leading contract manufacturers of electronics and offers specialist competence in electronics production along the entire value chain – from design and development through manufacturing and the aftermarket.
NOTE has offices in Sweden, Finland, France, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland.
Net turnover for 2003 was SEK 859 million and profit before tax was SEK 63 million. The number of employees in the corporation is around 1000. NOTE is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange's O-list Attract40.