
NOTE uses mandate to buy back shares

The Board of Directors of NOTE AB (publ) decided today to utilise the authorisation of its Annual General Meeting (AGM) to repurchase its shares on one or more occasions until the next AGM.

The AGM of NOTE AB (publ) of 26 April 2018 resolved to authorise the company’s Board of Directors to acquire its own shares. The AGM mandate entitles the Board to acquire shares so that after purchase, the company holds a total maximum of 10% of all the shares of the company.

The company’s Board has now decided to utilise this authorisation. The acquisition of treasury shares is being conducted to adapt the company’s capital and share structure to thus help increase shareholder value.

NOTE currently has an issued total of 28,872,600 shares and accordingly, the maximum number of shares that may be repurchased is 2,887,260.

The Board of Directors’ decision currently limits these repurchases to a maximum of 1,000,000 shares, including any block transactions executed as follows. All acquisitions will be on Nasdaq Stockholm. This means that all transactions will be registered in Nasdaq’s system regardless of how they are initiated and executed otherwise. The acquisitions will be executed within the price interval quoted from time to time, which means the interval between the highest bid and the lowest offer prices.

The Board of Directors’ decision means that purchases of shares will be possible through block transactions.

Acquisitions will be possible from 12 December 2018 until the next AGM on 25 April 2019 inclusive. No purchases will be executed for 30 days prior to publication of quarterly reports, including the publication date.

NOTE AB (publ) holds no treasury shares prior to the above repurchases of treasury shares being executed.

For more information, please contact:
Johan Hagberg, Chairman of the Board, tel. +46 (0)70 644 3356
Johannes Lind-Widestam, CEO and President, tel. +46 (0)70 541 7222  
Henrik Nygren, CFO, tel. +46 (0)70 977 0686

About NOTE
NOTE is one of northern Europe’s leading EMS partners, producing PCBAs, subassemblies and box build products. NOTE’s offering covers the complete product lifecycle, from design to after-sales. NOTE has a presence in Sweden, Finland, the UK, Estonia and China. Net sales in the last 12 months were SEK 1,307 million; the group has approximately 1,050 employees. NOTE is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, please go to www.note.eu.

This information is information that NOTE AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rule book for Issuers. The information was submitted for publication at 1:00 p.m. CET on 12 December 2018. 

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