
NOTE´s head office moves to Danderyd

In accordance with adopted resolutions at The Annual General Meeting (AGM), NOTE is moving its head office to Danderyd outside Stockholm. The move will be completed by the end of June.

”By moving to the Stockholm region, we will be closer to our customers and distributors, which will enhance our co-operation. Several of our customers are located in the northern parts of Stockholm and therefore it is a natural step to relocate our head office to this region”, says Arne Forslund, President and CEO of NOTE AB. ”In addition, the range of competence will increase when we move to the Stockholm area – I can only see advantages of moving the head office”, Arne Forslund continues.

New address:
Box 711
182 17 Danderyd

New visitor’s address:
Vendevägen 85 A

New phone number:
Tel: +46 (0)8-568 990 00

New fax number:
Fax: +46 (0)8-568 990 99

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