
NOTE’s Nomination Committee for the General Annual Meeting 2007

The Chairman of the Board of Directors for NOTE AB contacts the largest shareholders during the month of October every year with the purpose of establishing a Nomination Committee consisting of three members. Together the members represent the three shareholders with the majority of votes. The appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee-to-be is the shareholder with the majority of votes.

The task is to prepare and present a proposal for the General Annual Meeting 2007 with respect to the Board’s composition, choice of auditors and fees. This will be presented prior to the regular Annual General Meeting 2007.

NOTE´s nomination committee for the 2007 Annual General Meeting consists of the following members:

– Sten Dybeck, represents his personal and company shares, Chairman of the Board of Directors for NOTE AB and the largest shareholder
– Nils Petter Hollekim, represents Odin Fonder
– Kjell-Åke Andersson, represents his own shares

Shareholders that would like to contact the Nomination Committee may send an e-mail to Sten Dybeck at sten@dybeck.com

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