NOTE’s ongoing new share issue–addendum prospectus is published
Addendum prospectus
Today, NOTE AB (publ) (“NOTE” or “the Company”) has published an addition to earlier released prospectus regarding the Company’s new share issue. This Swedish addendum prospectus (“the addendum prospectus”) has been submitted due to NOTE’s release of its Interim Report for the period January–March 2010. The Swedish addendum prospectus is available at NOTE’s website,, and at HQ Bank’s website, For a copy of the Swedish addendum prospectus, please contact HQ Bank at at tel. +46 8 790 0940.
Right to cancellation pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act
Investors that have announced or in any other way have approved to buy or subscribe for the securities comprised of the new share issue, has the right to cancel their registration or approval within five working days from the release of the Swedish addendum prospectus, i.e. until 5 May 2010. Cancellation has to be done in writing to HQ Bank or, should the subscription been made to a trustee, to the trustee. A form for cancellation of subscription for shareholders with directly registered shares is available on NOTE’s website,, and HQ Bank’s website,, and can be ordered from HQ Bank at tel. +46 (0)8 790 0940. Non-cancelled subscriptions will remain valid and no additional measures have to be taken.