NOTE’s rights issue oversubscribed
NOTEs new share issue with preferential rights for NOTE’s shareholders has been oversubscribed. Totally 19 059 178 shares, or some 99.0 percentage of the offered shares, were subscribed using subscription rights. Additionally, 9 797 133 shares have been subscribed for without preferential rights. Consequently, the new share issue is oversubscribed with some 49.9 percentage, and the underwriting commitments do not have to be engaged.
Granting of shares subscribed without preferential rights will be according to principles described in the prospectus. Accounting slips confirming granting of such shares will be sent out around 11 May 2010. Only those who receive granting will be notified. The new share issue will raise NOTE some SEK 86.6 million before deducting issue costs.
Signed, fully paid, shares (BTA) received at subscription using subscription rights, is expected to be reregistered as shares at Euroclear Sweden on 17 May 2010.
Through the new share issue, the number of NOTE shares will increase with 19 248 400 shares and the share capital will increase with SEK 9 624 200. After the new share issue, the share capital will amount to SEK 14 436 300 and the number of shares to 28 872 600 shares. Shares subscribed with preferential rights is expected to be available for trading at NASDAQ OMX Stockholm as from around 17 May 2010. Shares subscribed without preferential rights are expected to be available for trading during the second half of May 2010.
Financial and legal advisers
HQ Bank is financial adviser and Advokatfirman Vinge is legal adviser to NOTE in connection with the issue.
For more information, please contact:
Göran Jansson, acting CEO and President, tel. +46 (0)8 568 99006, +46 70 698 8572
Henrik Nygren, CFO, tel. +46 (0)8 568 99003, +46 (0)70 977 0686