
The Board of NOTE has resolved to utilise the authorisation to acquire own shares

The Board of Directors of Note AB (publ) (“Note”) has resolved, pursuant to the authorisation granted by the Annual General Meeting on 18 April 2024, to acquire own shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The purpose of the repurchase is to adjust the company's capital structure and to contribute to shareholder value.

The acquisition of own shares is subject to the following conditions:

  • Repurchases may amount to a maximum of 1,000,000 shares
  • Note's holding of own shares may not at any time exceed ten (10) percent of all shares in the company. Acquisitions shall be made on Nasdaq Stockholm in accordance with its Nordic Main Market Rulebook for Issuers of Shares.
  • Acquisitions may be made on one or more occasions between August 30 2024 and the 2025 Annual General Meeting. No acquisitions will be made during the thirty days before Note publishes a financial report.
  • Acquisition may be made with cash payment on Nasdaq Stockholm.
  • Acquisitions may be made at a price that falls within the price interval registered on Nasdaq Stockholm at any given time, meaning the interval between the highest bid price and the lowest ask price. Acquisitions may also be made through block trades in accordance with the applicable rules.
  • In line with the Annual General Meeting's authorisation, the purpose of the repurchase is to continuously adapt the company’s capital and share structure and thereby contribute to an increase in value for shareholders.
  • The repurchases will be carried out by Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, who will act on instructions from Note.

The total number of shares in Note amounts to 28,983,600. Note does not hold any of its own shares at the time of this press release.

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